Work Packages
The consortium activities have been organized in nine work packages with clearly defined objectives and responsibilities for each specific partner. All project management activities will be conducted as part of WP1, communication and dissemination activities are part of the innovation management in WP9. Explore our work packages by clicking on the respective WP.
Work Package 1 – Project Management
WP 1 will provide a clear organizational framework, guidance and all support mechanisms to enable a smooth project workflow in RELiEF and to ensure that objectives and milestones will be met on time.
Work Package 2 – Material sourcing and Definition of use cases
WP2 will provide the source material for the process development and defining the user case studies for the final output materials. Further market research studies of organizing the data for the available source material within EU for synchronization will be done.
Work Package 3 – Pre-Processing
WP3 will focus on pre-treating the solid input material to eliminate the hazard factors and make it more suitable for leaching process in order to attain high leaching yield.
Work Package 4 – Effective Leaching
WP4 will develop a process technology to leach the two different secondary solid input streams effectively: lithium metal slag (A) and the mine tailings (B). This process technology should be i) efficient on the transformation of solid metal contained in source materials into solution state and ii) have low impact (with low emissions, resulting waste and consumptions).
Work Package 5 – Selective recovery and purification of lithium
WP5 will develop and demonstrate unit separation process concepts capable of recovering Li from the leachates obtained from WP4 and liquid source materials that are techno-economically more efficient than current industrial state-of-the-art with socio-economically and environmentally more sustainable overall lithium recovery process than current industrial state-of-the-art.
Work Package 6 – Battery material close loop
WP6 will recover materials that are capable to close loop to the battery materials requirement. Battery precursor material like Li2O, LiOH will be recovered and further close loop material of repaired LFP and Li-M will be processed and validated for its viability.
Work Package 7 – Material validation and process demonstration
WP7 will validate the recovered material from the WP6 and to demonstrate the process with the developed flowsheet.
Work Package 8 – Sustainability assessment and Business modelling
WP8 will assess the maturement of a Digital Data Platform (DDP) for the mapping and gathering of physical, monetary and social data of the developed circular processes as an enabler for multiple iterative environmental and cost analysis models. Moreover, it will assess the innovative production processes in terms of environmental, economic and social performance, through Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), Cost assessment (LCC and/or MFCA) and social impact using the gathered data from the DDP. Finally, WP8 will develop a business model for the centralized facility to improve the Li circular value chain by upscaling of the demonstrated processes from TRL 4-5 to TRL 7-8 by 2030 after the project lifetime.
Work Package 9 – Innovation Management: Communication, Dissemination, Exploitation
WP9 will overview the Innovation Management of RELiEF with an impact-oriented approach: Consistent communication and dissemination will ensure optimal visibility and a wide outreach to relevant stakeholders. Strategic exploitation through dedicated innovation and IP management will safeguard that high-quality results are captured, assessed and properly used. Upon invitation by the CINEA, the work package will contribute to activities increasing the visibility of and synergies between Horizon Europe supported actions in the same technological field.